SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion)
A ningún conocedor de la historia de los videojuegos se le ocurriría cuestionar la validez de este motor creado por Lucasfilms (luego LucasArts) para crear Maniac Mansion en 1987. Al menos dos versiones de este motor existen, o existieron para el Commodore64. La versión 0 que se utilizó para crear Maniac Mansión y la versión 1 que se utilizó en la creación de Zack McKracken,
He estado indagando un poco, muy poco la verdad, y en una conferencia del 2011 Ron Gilbert reveló lo siguiente:
"SCUMM script was a little odd. When I first started designing the language, I was going to base it on Lisp. I was use to using it to customize emacs that we used to do all our coding. This was not on PCs, but on large multiuser UNIX machines. The Lucasfilm games group was part of the Lucasfilm computer division (which later became Pixar) and we had some very smart people that connected the C64 to the UNIX machine. From my UNIX terminal, I had complete control over the C64 and wrote a source level debugger for SCUMM. The 6502 assembler was custom written by Chip Morningstar and ran on the UNIX machine."